Friday, March 17, 2006

Bumper Stickers I’d Like to See

Pro-life advocates ADOPT!
Anti-choice zealots picket.

Why do so many “pro-life” advocates only
want to help children BEFORE they’re born?!

“under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance
doesn’t promote one religion over another?
Try replacing it with “under Allah”!

I saw God!
She’s black!
There’s the old cliche’ about, “Who pulled his chain?!”

Perhaps it refers to the 19th Century toilets, that had a water tank high above, with a chain one pulled to flush the day’s deposits on to recycling heaven. Or maybe it concerns the snarls that often result from pulling the chain of an irritable old watchdog.

Both possibilities probably apply here. I read or watch the news. It prompts responses. Often. Or I think. Occasionally. These are random results – observations, thoughts, comments, rants … perhaps comparable to the deposits or snarls mentioned above.
